Weekly Reports | Analyses & Trades
for 12/20/2024 Expiration
*Updated on 8/30/2024
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Return Reports
Trailing Returns
The symbol's performance for different time frames.
Monthly Returns
The weighted return for the given month for the previous 5 years.
Monthly Returns By Years
Mean, median, and recency-adjusted weighted returns, along with other key statistics for a given month(s) for the past for 5 or 10 years; includes the returns for the month(s) for each individual year.
CER Expiration
Recency-adjusted weighted returns for the exact same time period for the past 5 years; time periods are from today until expiration (approximately 30 - 200 days) for 8 listed expirations.
CER By Years
Mean, median, and recency-adjusted weighted returns, along with other statistics for the exact same time period for the past 5 or 10 years; includes the returns for the time period for each individual year.
Option Strategy Reports
Covered Call
Conservative and Aggressive Covered Call trades with approx 30 days to expiration, along with key metrics.
Mildly Bullish and Very Bullish trades with approximately 90 days to expiration, along with key metrics.
Put Write
Shows put writes that have 36 days to expiration and are approximately 15-20 delta puts.
Zero Cost Collar
Zero cost put spread collars with protection ranges of 95%-85% and 90%-80% with approx 180 days to expiration, along with key metrics.